[quote=@HumanMusic] [@POOHEAD189] Tell that to my guardsman brothers in arms, they're literally the weakest soldiers in 40k, everything is op to them, ultramarine or not, 😭😭 [/quote] Meanwhile, in the original Dawn of War, you slap commissars into Guardsmen squads, one dead guardsman makes every squad around em immune to morale loss and do more damage. And you get three commissars for the army total in game. So properly motivated flashlights can be scary indeed >_> And thats not even factoring in psykers and priests (who have scary psyker powers and can make the attached squad straight up invincible for a short time, respectively.) [quote=@POOHEAD189] [i]Fear not[/i]. Those who stand with me shall be my brother. [/quote] I'm more a fan of "An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded." if we talk Space Marine quotes.