The era of Lux is over. The sound of two clashing swords heard, follow by landing of two warriors, fighting for a cause. The wind blew powerfully as it pushed dust and flames of battle on the Rocks of the Final Hour. Destruction and mess surrounded the place as the fight was maybe about to come to an end. The warriors stared at each other, one having this disappointed look on his face as he was gazing at the other one while kneeling as the blade of his sword was stuck in the ground. [color=6ecff6]"I didnt think this would end like this, Yusake"[/color], Gil said as he bowed his head in disappointment. Only his right eye closed because it was injured by a cut coming from a little above of his eyebrow, down to his eye then down to his cheek. Causing this cut to become a scar. [color=f26522]"I will send you where I shall send the entire human race, Gil"[/color], Yusake replied, as he was standing tall on one of the Rocks, proud and evil, having a face expression full of hatred. He meant he was going to send him to the grave. [color=6ecff6]"Is there any other way to do this?"[/color], Gil inquired desperately as he didn't wish to fight. [color=f26522]"No, the era of Lux..."[/color], Yusake started a line and finished his line it after he raised up his free hand and fist it. [color=f26522]"... Is over!"[/color], when he fist his hand, quickly spiritual tattoos formed on his left arm and left side of the face and soon they glowed with this dark red light along with his eyes. Gil took a headband from his pocket, it appeared to be important to him, recalling memories of a certain someone he cared about as he closed his other eye and help that headband tight. Then, carefully he started wrapping it around his forehead. [color=6ecff6]"Yeah well..."[/color], he whispered and soon some kind of weird spiritual tattoos appeared on his right arm and then crawled up to his cheek, connected to his scar and then went around his eye. [color=6ecff6]"I am still...."[/color], he finish tying it up and then reopened his eye and they were glowing with this pure white light along with the tattoos that formed earlier on his body. He withdrew the sword from the ground and got in position. [color=6ecff6]"... the Warlock"[/color], he replied. Annoyed by Gil's reply, Yusake charged in to finish the fight and Gil charged in as well. All of that happened some time later, but let me take you back to the beginning. In this world of the 25th century, there was a war between groups of sorcerers who could bend the elements. Every sorcerer could bend only one element depending on the season of his birth and some of them could also shape shift, move objects and so on and on. To end the war and obtain power, two of the many groups around the world found an ancient seal which the spirit of light and peach named Lux and the spirit of darkness and chaos named Nux were trapped in an eternal prison. They decided to use those spirits to obtain power to win the war, thus, unleashing mighty spirits. The spirit of light was departed from her other half, darkness, and chaos was brought to the world. As darkness surrounded humanity, hunger and thirst and chaos was brought along the way and so the spirit of light grew weaker as the spirit of darkness became stronger. One day, a young fire sorcerer found the spirit of light and befriended her, once hearing her story, he decided that he should help her as he was sick and tired of this world's mess and wanted to bring it back as it was before the war even began. He wasn't born before the war, the war started thousands of years ago, he was born into this war and suffered from it. He recalled his great great parents told him about how the world used to be before the war, he intended to see it again. The spirit of light told him they could travel back in time to find a solution so they could end up the war and beat the spirit of darkness and bring peace back to the world. And so, the boy started the journey of traveling back in time. The spirit of light guided him to find a special piece of rune which was a portal if one was to say the write spell to open it. This portal was their chance to travel back in time so they could change the future. But the spirit of darkness was no stupid, he knew he couldn't stop them from traveling back in time, thus he decided to join them on the trip and find a way to remain in control. Once they've opened the portal and went through it, right before it closed again, the spirit of darkness entered as well to travel back in time along with them. The ride was tough. Once landing in the past at an unknown time and place, the boy and the spirit of light started to fight the spirit of darkness. The boy immediately used his fire bending to shoot down the evil spirit, punching the air and throwing fire from his fists. Whenever the spirit of darkness threw an attack, the boy used his acrobatic skills to dodge, even the spirit of light used her energy beams to fight her other half. But eventually, the spirit of darkness was overpowering them as the spirit of light grew weaker since the separation from her twin half, and the boy, he was getting tired really fast, he couldn't fight forever, he was only a human, he couldn't handle the most powerful and evil spirit in the world. No human can stand up against the dark spirit, why should he? he was only a mere fire bending sorcerer and he was too young and too weak. As the spirit of darkness grew stronger and overpowered the boy and the spirit of light, it eventually knocked the boy out by using a dark energy beam. Even though the spirit of light was in a bad shape and couldn't fight since she was too weak. Right before passing out, the spirit of darkness approached. [color=9e0b0f]"See you at Rocks of the Final Hour, see you at the end of the world!"[/color], he said and flew away as he had no reason to continue fighting, he had other business to attend to, now that he had knocked out of the boy and the spirit of light was too weak to continue fighting. After then, the boy passed out cold on the ground and was left vulnerable in the cold. The spirit of light woke up from her weak position and tried to help the boy out and tried to carry him with the last bits of her strength and looked for another human to show up and help. The boy was named Gil who appeared to be nineteen years old boy that stood for five foot and six inches tall with smooth white pale skin color, no tattoos nor scars, he had a nice body figure, he was training here and there so he looked pretty good and decent for his age. He had turquoise eyes that were mixed with weak purple and grey color and some golden color around his pupils which was very bold and sexy like as the color of the Jade Vine flower with some freckles that came from cheek to cheek but he didn't have too many of them, anyways, he had brown spiky hair just like Zac Efron's hairstyle and it was as the color of chocolate, more or less. He wore robes in the shade of yellow and orange that went along with a dark blue sash with light blue embroidery around his waists and wore light green armbands and a red scarf around his neck.