[center][h2]Lydia Evangeline[/h2][/center] [hr] As she waited for her steak to be served, Lydia's eyes couldn't help wandering around the restaurant. The place seemed to be mostly empty tonight, perhaps thanks to the heavy rain from before. Looking at her table, she couldn't help but feel a little lonely as she was sitting alone in an empty table like this. [i]Perhaps I should join another...[/i] Her eyes soon fell upon what seemed to be a young man sitting alone in his table. Looking at his expression, he seemed to be feeling lonely as well. Perhaps it would be a good idea for her to join him. She rose from her table. Slowly, she walked to where he was sitting, not wanting to alarm him with her presence. "Hello there. May I sit here with you?" she addressed him gently. If he were to look at her face now, he would only find her usual neutral gaze instead of a smile. It couldn't be helped. Lydia was never that good in social interactions. It was difficult for her to force a smile. She felt her smile would just end up terrifying instead of heartwarming. [@Stern Algorithm]