[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/L1ZXR4zm.jpg?1[/img][/center] [center][img][/img][h1][color=00FF7f]Leblanc Farris[/color][/h1] [b][center][color=gray] [[ Location : Enemy Encampment]] [/color][/center][/b][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] Inured to creep back through the brush, she leveled a glare with as much severity as she could muster from a distance towards to Szeren and Regina as their conversing reached admittedly sensitive ears. Natsu, being on the opposite end of the wedge formation, was rather out of sight and earshot, thus the marksmen had been the receivers and transmitters of messages, and now received the brunt of ire. With a fan of throwing knives in hand and a talon in the other, she drew the steel before her neck in a cutting motion to silence them now that they were nearly atop the enemy and crept back to join them. [color=00FF7F]"We are continuing with the plan."[/color] Her voice was a clipped hiss, barely audible even inches away from one another. [color=00FF7F]"You two hold position. Natsu and I will engage and you support when concealment is lost."[/color] Leblanc didn't take herself to be fratricidal by any stretch, her inclination to violence being too refined for such self-harming barbarism, but the lack of confidence in the abilities of her fellow Vessel users was baffling. Did their parents beat them and keep them locked up in cupboards all there lives before they joined the Imperial Army? She was starting to imagine why officers were so stereo-typically seen as alcoholics if this was the norm for green as grass troops. Restraining herself from sighing in an audible fashion, her eyes racked across the foliage ahead and found Natsu waiting for some response from the marksman, one she answered with a crisp slash towards the encampment and a bit of murderous intent behind her gaze to marshal him onward. She scampered back to her bush without further distraction and darted out of the verdant cover to stalk behind the backs of a passing pair of guards on their patrol. They'd looped the cluster of civilization, mostly a handful of dilapidated hovels in varying states of disrepair, and marched towards a larger building in the center that looked more like a town hall or inn for the width of the building alone. A squat one story affair, perhaps with a cellar if Leblanc were to hazard a guess, and most certainly the root of these organized marauders. When the came upon the leeward side of a solitary wall, she struck amidst the shadow cast with knives thrown in a vertical arc against the back of the right most man, while the talon slid with an almost natural grace around the throat of his compatriot. With but a flick of wrists one found his skull pierced from behind twice over, not even accounting for the one piercing between the vertebrae along his neck and those that sank into his upper back, and the other sprayed the shaded grass a crimson most glorious to behold. They fell soon after and were dragged against the stonework before Leblanc crept onward, wet blades at the ready and clutched ever more firmly as the raucous noise of a here-to-unknown occurring within the target building began to reach her.