[img]https://i.imgur.com/YnD6T41.png[/img] [h1]Ezra[/h1] Ezra had been sitting out for the remainder of his lunch. He was glad that he had that conversation with Mako, and he'd found himself a new friend of sorts, at least somebody that he could stand in conversation. She was strange to him, in a way, he felt as if she empathised with him particularly well, almost as if she had dealt with the same background yet he had known that she hadn't judging by her accent and other mannerisms. His back and butt were sore from sitting down for so long, it was almost a relief when he had gotten up. But that feeling of happiness wouldn't last very long, at least due to the situation that he was about to find himself in. He had been called to the principles office. Partly, he had been glad this had happened because he was unsure of what to do in the circumstances, and didn't know if returning to class without an official statement would have been a good idea, but the negative side certainly outweighed that. He had injured a student for certain, and whilst Mako had told him that he wasn't fucked, he certainly had that feeling. Ezra knew that he never got nervous, but he was still upset about the situation that he had found himself in, and definitely wasn't a fan of it. Realising there wasn't a way out, and facing the consequences was much more preferable than being a coward, he made his way over to the principles office. He hadn't been through the school before, but he had remembered the layout of the map, since he figured it useful information and quickly found himself at his destination. With no hesitation and clarity in his mind, he knocked on the door of the office and waited for the man to respond, realising that he should speak in a much more formal tone in this regard. Whilst the guy didn't seem particularly nasty by the way he spoke at the analysis of their combat during the training exercise, he did have a tone that he recognised through the loudspeaker and that immediately spoke to him as something to be wary of.