At Nadeline's signal, their unified shield would fall around them, opening up the rest of the world to them. Nadeline let out a loud groan, placing her hands on her hips as she threw back her head. That was more difficult than anticipated, though the ice would lose its magical quality as it would glisten under the Dalmascan sun. She watched the scene unfold, more than glad that whatever had happened was done and over with. As they say, however, out with one problem and in with another. She prodded the silent Grant, trying to encourage him. "[color=coral]I thought we were going to lose that one for a moment![/color]" She told him cheerfully, though her expression fell as he would look at her. Sulking again? She crossed her arms, a little upset. "[color=coral]Come on...jealousy won't get you anywhere.[/color]" Grant nodded, seeming to agree, though he would only sigh. Nadeline rolled her eyes at him. "[color=coral]Don't be like that. Sometimes you have to be the bigger person, you know? Besides, after everything that's happened with Jaakuna and Emiri, I'm certain it's just a misunderstanding.[/color]" He would simply nod, a small smile on his face. That was it? That's all he would give her? Why wouldn't he say anything? She couldn't help but get slightly upset. "[color=coral]Are you angry with me?[/color]" She asked, giving him her full attention. "[color=coral]If I'm speaking out of term, then I apologize, but...why won't you talk to me?[/color]" Grant's expression fell, his eyes to the ground. After a few seconds, he inhaled slowly as he looked at her again. "[color=darkorchid]...Sorry,[/color]" He smiled again, his voice barely coming out higher than a whisper. His lips moved, as if he were talking, but after the first word, nothing else would come out. Nadeline's eyes widened considerably, alarmed. "[color=coral]Grant, what's wrong?[/color]" She asked. "[color=coral]What happened to your voice?[/color]" He gave her a simple shrug, and another apologetic look. [hr] So he wanted to understand that which he could not. It was unprecedented, though Shion had a nagging feeling there was more to it than that. Though it would seem even someone who was a self-proclaimed superior had its doubts. Perhaps it was nothing more than a curiosity. She found herself disliking his usage of Michel; how he managed to sully such a beautiful face was beyond her. It was less than an insult, as if he was mocking her. It also meant that even if she wanted to end him, it would probably inflict harm on Michel. She chose to entertain him. "[color=deepskyblue]No creature is willingly weak. Humes are fragile, despite their claim to be at the top of the chain, in reality they're somewhere in the middle,[/color]" She stated. "[color=deepskyblue]Creatures that are weak--regardless of race--will always seek power. And when they get said power, it turns into an unquenchable thirst. It seizes your very being, driving you to seek more. Only a select few are meant to carry such power, and humes have provided evidence for both sides. There are those who brought glory and peace with power. There are those who brought destruction and chaos. Of course, the more memorable moments would be the negative ones.[/color]" Her rambling ceased, her eyes gazing at him. "[color=deepskyblue]I find it difficult to believe such a fact to be beyond you. Power hungry humes come a dime a was the Sky Pirate who willingly called out for your power.[/color]"