[quote=@The 42nd Gecko] [@Inner Demon] People/things respawn with what they're connected with. So, angels, generally respawn in heaven. Servants generally respawn with their masters. Miyu liked her factory, so she respawned there. Frog, for some reason, kept respawning instantly in the throne room of hell. Which was weird. [/quote] More or less like that. But it only happens like this if the characters are actually approved by one of the faction leaders. Otherwise, the dearly beloved Angel of Death would simply dump them back on their last respawn point. Kinda like how would happen if you got very far into a game but forgot to save every so often. That's why turncoating isn't exactly efficient in the Nexus. Unless you actually get approved by a faction leader to join their side (or forced to, in order to game the system like —supposedly— Rufus did to the Chicken Little race, I mean, the Harpies), you can be sure that there'll be people waiting right at your old address. Also, for most normal people, they just come back to life in a sort of ressurrecional sanctum in their faction's capital. It's just a few PCs that are different from the norm, as always. Victoire and Diana have never gone straight back to their homes when they died. That's basically why Frog has been doing it right most of the time up to now.