Gharn watches in awe as the bartender works. He's stunned by the display of magic, never having seen much of it before. Being distracted by the magic he doesn't immediately notice the rude tone of the Doberman until the mention of "a real drink". Gharn frowns slightly, realizing and recognizing the tone. "Real drink!?" he questions the Bartender. "What is a real drink Dogbeast?" He takes the glass in one hand and uses the other to tuck his silver away before looking at the Bartender in mild anger. He allows some of the Lion into him, changing slightly. His shoulders broaden and he grows several inches taller as his muscles expand. He's then momentarily distracted by the mouthwatering smell of fresh fish. He sniffs the air, trying to locate the scent, only to have it seemingly fade away into nothing. He frowns in annoyance and looks around, distracted from his conversation with the Bartender