[center] [h2] Order's Downfall [/h2] [H3] Locations Varied [/h3][/center] [hr] Four days after the attack by the giant, hammer wielding man reports started to flood the televisions again. [I]"....ongoing coverage of the sudden and violent attack by yet another unknown Epic...." "...and as you can see on the screen from our live feed, the unknown Epic is crumbling cars without even touching them! I have to wonder what else they're capable of, and I can say I'm definitely not looking forward to finding out..." "...reports first surfaced an hour ago of an unknown Epic walking down East Main Street wearing what appears to be an Oni mask..." "...this reporter personally believes that the suit the new Epic is wearing is a clear indicator of ties to the recent attack just four days ago..."[/I] And so the reports continued. Speculation running rampant, no one was entirely certain what was going on, where the Epic was going, or why they were causing wanton destruction. [hr] The man continued ever forward, casually destroying vehicles, pavement, lights... Just about everything around him, adding the debris to an ever growing storm around himself, already large enough to almost completely obscure his figure. "Here, little birdie! Where are you hiding? We've come to collect on your debt..." The man's voice sounded out mockingly. "Oh where, oh where, oh where has my little bird gone? Oh where, oh where can he be?"