[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IizSoao.gif[/img][color=FA8072][h3]Date Uchiha[/h3][/color][/center] Date had been silently taking note of the faces from both the Iwa and Konoha. He liked to size up the competition plus it never hurt to keep potential enemies close. He took note of the drunk kunoichi talking to the illustrious "Golden Boy" of the Senju clan. He could also note the shadows in the back ground patiently waiting like hunters (or prey) for the Hokage to deal them their fate. Date however was not that happy to be here, there was a cold hospital room calling his name, he often wondered why he did not just become a medic. Then he could at least help his mom or try too, but unfortunately, Date had to live up to the expectations of a man with the biggest ego ever. More and more people started to flood into the Stadium, and even more "friends" from his class showed up. There numbers grew and Date could only wonder how the Hokage planned to make all this work, to Date it just seemed like a bunch of worms in a squished can with less and less space by the minuet (some bigger than others). While he made was talking to some unknown face, an old friend came up to see him. Koibito Uchiha, he was a former team member and fellow clansmen. Date kind of fell off with him after he left he compound with his mom, but they did not fall out just grew apart with the lack of communication. So when Koibito greeted Date, he smiled back at him, a genuine smile that he saved for family (his mom) and friends. [color=FA8072]"Hey Koibito, I have been well, what about yourself?"[/color] Date said completely dismissing the almost comment about his mom and still smiling. As he waited for a response the Hokage began to explain the exam they would undertake. The fist part seemed simple enough, find a team and [s]steal[/s] find a scroll, and Date could see a potential first teammate right in front of him. [color=FA8072]"What do you say, wanna team up for old times sake?"[/color] [right][sub]Interacting with [@Thecrash20][/sub][/right]