[color=lightblue]Thomas was leaning back on one of the chairs in the library as he watched the students slowly make their way inside. He'd received study hall duty once more after avoiding it for an entire year just prior to the start of the current semester. He only hoped the new students were somewhat cooperative and wouldn't cause too much trouble, although everyone there knew that was wishful thinking.[/color] [color=pink]With her book in hand, Lacey entered the library. Since it was only their first day, she was looking forward to some down time without having to bury herself in information she'd just learned. She was just about to make her way to the back of the library when she noticed a familiar face sitting down on a chair, watching them. Her face instantly dropped, and without wasting another second, she made her way over to her cousin whom she hadn't seen in quite some time. "Tom? What are you doing here?"[/color] [color=lightblue]"I should be asking you the same question," Thomas replied, getting up to walk away from the crowd of students walking in. Lacey followed him a little too eagerly, and he knew things would only get more complicated as the time went by. "I work here, been doing it for a couple of years now." Thomas looked down at his younger cousin, noticing she'd cut her hair and was slightly unrecognizable from the last time he'd seen her.[/color] [color=pink]"Well I've been here for 6 months and I haven't seen you before, it's just...surprising." Lacey looked behind her. She noticed they were catching some glances, but nothing out of the ordinary. "What class do you teach?"[/color] [color=lightblue]"Spanish," he replied.[/color] [color=pink]"Of course, should have figured. I have you later in the afternoon, by the way, and I guess that means no homework!"[/color] [color=lightblue]Thomas frowned. "Not a chance, you'll be treated just like every other student." He slid his hands in his pockets and started to walk away.[/color] [color=pink]"But--"[/color] [color=lightblue]"I mean it, Lacey. Now go catch up on whatever work you have and I'll see you in class." Without saying another word, Thomas walked away, leaving Lacey alone to take care of her work.[/color]