Amy tightened her grip on the shot glass once it was placed within grasp by Arex, uncertain of what was really in it but deciding that it was too late to back down anyway. It didn't take a fraction of a second after the liquid made its way down her throat for Amy to regret such decision. She turned away, one hand clasped over her mouth as she anticipated vomiting but the moment didn't arrive. Instead, she felt an intense burning sensation, one that made her eyes water as a single tear managed to escape her eye and leave a wet streak on her right cheek. She was shaken up, but okay. "What was [I]that[/I]?" she said, more so talking to herself than asking a question. Amy straightened up again and immediately decided that she would not have another shot. She simply listened to Arex, slowly coming to the conclusion that maybe she should have chosen better words to explain herself. That, or she was using the wrong approach. "Don't fuck me over again and we won't have any more problems," she said after he was done speaking. "Take that as a threat or a promise, the choice is purely up to you. I'm well aware everyone in that ship is a degenerate, including myself, but I for one intend on getting through all of this alive, and if any additional ulterior motives you may have get in my way of completing each of these jobs so that I may regain my freedom, then you'll have to start watching your back. It's as simple as that." Amy started to get up, a sign that she was done addressing Arex.