[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RQaJfun.png[/img][h1][b][color=B22222]C L A R A[/color][/b][/h1][hr][b][color=gray]THE EOLDYSSEUS, IFRISE FOREST — SOVEREIGNTY OF DRYADALIS[/color][/b][/center][hr] [i][b]“[color=B22222]Woah.[/color]”[/b][/i] Clara wasn't dead, yet. Someone had grabbed her by the shawl and spoke to her with genuine concern, which she highly appreciated considering how silly she must have looked in front of the nearby passengers. Clara simply laughed it off, noting to herself that it was best to avoid leaning her body over windows and railings from now on. Perhaps talking to other passengers would be a less reckless way to pass the time. Really, Clara couldn't afford to be so adventurous today. Discussions about Imperium members and Inquisitors on the barge were being thrown around everywhere she went, which was exactly the sort of thing that made the open air suddenly feel so stuffy and uncomfortable. Keeping up coversations with the commoners was her only distraction from the fearful whispers in her head. As Clara leaned against a railing, she noticed a woman to her side, still, silent, and seemingly quite hurt. She winced at the reddening welts and bruises on the blonde lady's face, and wondered why she simply hadn't moved somewhere else to prevent receiving more. Somehow, Clara figured this was the perfect opportunity to brighten the women's mood. She approached the blonde with a friendly smile, and spoke. [b]“[color=B22222]Quite the shaky barge, huh? You'd think 'cause it has such a fancy name, it could afford some fix ups. But I guess no matter how safe it's made, there's always the one idiot that makes everything around them a hazard.[/color]”[/b]