[b][h2][center]Welcome Summoners[/center][/h2][/b] Are you serious about League of Legends? Do you wish to play in a more competative environment? Then the Okibata High's LoL Team club is for you. Practice starts right after school, See you in Room 2-B This is the story of a group of students, who not only attend class, but play in competetive tournaments, The RP will be in the style of a Sports anime, where we will take the game, if i dare say, a bit too seriously. Epic matches between us and rival school, boring days in class, fun times after school, all of this and more awaits you in Okibata High's LoL Esports Club this is just a general interest check, i will work up better details, if i have atleast four other people interest. When marking your interest, note what role you might want,