[center][h2][color=ed1c24]Captain Cedric D. Boone - Krabbe Battle! II[/color][/h2][/center] Cedric looked at Lilliana's weapon she gave him and squinted,[i][color=red]"How does this work again?"[/color][/i] He set it aside, trying to make sure she didn't see him do so. Then glanced around and saw everyone going about their business. Running here, running there. Bonesword shouting orders to some of the crew, Slick fired maniacally, and Izuza had jumped overboard. And Dirk...Dirk was being himself, a complete nutcase. But one thing remained in common with the crew; EVERYONE'S COMPLETE LACK OF ATTENTION TO THEIR CAPTAIN'S ORDERS! Boone stood tall and bellowed out,[color=ed1c24]"First mate Bonesword! Who is the Captain of this vessel?"[/color] He paused for a moment to let it sink in,[color=ed1c24]"I applaud you for your tenacity, however, you will not override my orders. Is that understood?"[/color] Just then, the torpedo collided with the lower deck putting Boone off balance. He remembered that Krabbe had bragged about a shrimp brigade of some sort. He decided it would be best to fire off the cannon he was at and have Bonesword turn their vessel on their loaded side, before they got too close to Krabbe's vessel. He lit the fuse, aiming where he believed the ship would travel toward. [b]BOOM![/b] There the cannonball went. He nodded to Slick and said,[color=ed1c24]"After that one, wait for my signal to fire the other side, Slick!"[/color] Boone unstrapped his Blunderbuss and smirked,[i][color=ed1c24]"Whatever is down there will get a taste of my my shotgun shot!"[/color][/i] He thought to himself. As he began running below decks, he yelled at his first mate,[color=ed1c24]"Bonesword! Get our ship's loaded side aimed at Krabbe! I'm going below, you're in command here now."[/color] Broadsides Boone descended below and saw the ship's shrink attack a violet shrimp clad humanoid. At the same time he watched everyone's favorite schizophrenic attempt a stab at the yellow one. Boone glanced at the gaping hole in The Rum Runner, made by their torpedo. His eyebrows furrowed in anger. [color=ed1c24]"Come to damage our ship and steal our rum have you?! Not today small fry!! [b]SHOTGUN SHOT![/b]"[/color] Then Cedric D. Boone, Captain of The Red Rum Pirates, blasted the red and green shrimp with a single shotgun shot of his blunderbuss at point blank range. Boone's ammunition could single handily put them out of the fight. That is, if their armor wasn't a BOONE to them.