[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/AxH8deV.png[/img] [color=548b54][h3]Dulga Tarata[/h3][/color] [/center] Dulga's eyes widen when Luelle mentioned she fought off a villain already. First day of school and she already defeated a bad guy? Even if she did have Kaida's help, the two certainly had a better start to their careers than some of the other students. It made Dulga wonder what sort of powers these two had to be able to do that. Or perhaps the villain they fought was weak, who knows. Wasn't long until Kaida came out in a new uniform and thanked Dulga for the cloak. As usual, the girl said nothing and merely nodded her head. Lunch was almost over so Kaida ran off. Dulga herself tried to remember what her next class was when Mamoru suddenly arrived and started talking. This annoyed Dulga, but she didn't say anything about it. At least Mamoru had it in her mind to head to her next class, however Dulga was fairly certain they didn't have the same class together. [color=548b54]"The next class is electives. Everyone got to choose their own. So unless you chose target practice, I don't think we have the same class together."[/color] Dramatically fluttering her cloak Dulga turned around to leave. She needed to get her guns and ammo for her next class. Before she left she did at least say goodbye. It was proper manners. [color=548b54]"It was nice meeting you, Luelle and Mamoru. I'm sure I'll see you two again soon."[/color] Dulga went to her dorm to pick up her equipment. Guns were hard to get in Japan, mostly thanks to everyone having a quirk. Your average thug with a gun wouldn't last long against a professional hero, and anyone with a useful quirk wouldn't need a gun in the first place. However Dulga was different than most when it came to firearms. While she knew that her quirk's great strength and flexibility would make her a monster in melee, she used guns because her mother did. It was how she taught Dulga how to fend for herself; by keeping her distance and only taking a shot when she was certain it would strike. There was a certain strength in guns that you couldn't get with a quirk. It was a great equalizer; even if you could breath fire, fly through the skies, and tear apart buildings with your bare hands, a bullet in the lungs could still kill you. Dulga went to her next class carrying her school bag and a large, black hard-plastic case. It was sealed with a rather complicated looking like that not only used a coded tumbler, but also a key and even fingerprint scanner. It was her mother's gun case, and she was very protective of her equipment. This extended to Dulga too. She couldn't even open this case until recently, due to her father's approval and permission with Komei. In a way, Dulga was happy. Holding her mother's guns made Dulga feel warm and safe. Like being hugged by her mom. It nearly brought a tear to Dulga's eyes, but she kept her feelings in check as she walked into class. So far it looked like she was the only one there. No teachers either, though the chalkboard made it clear that Dulga was in the right place: Hero Gadgets. [@Luna][@Lucius Cypher]