[@Inkarnate]Congratulations guys. I'm going to present two versions of the same character just in case one of the Quirks seems unacceptable. Version 1 (working on version 2. Version 2 will be same story just different name, quirk, and picture) [hider=Ketsueki Akada] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmYyMmMxOC5TMlYwYzNWbGEya2dRV3RoWkdFLC4wAAAA/youmurderer-bb.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cc/aa/bc/ccaabcd69530dcde1d96d58e85d854fc--hot-anime-boy-cute-anime-guys.jpg[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjM2LmYyMmMxOC5Ja2wwSUc5dWJIa2dhSFZ5ZEhNZ1lTQnNhWFIwYkdVdUlnLCwuMA,,/yahfie.normal.png[/img][/center] [color=red][sub][u]N A M E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Ketsueki Akada[/list] [color=red][sub][u]A G E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]15[/list] [color=red][sub][u]O R I G I N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Osaka, Japan[/list] [color=red][sub][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R O P E S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Friendly Smiley Justice-craver Passionate Troubled Secretly Angry at the World[/list] [color=red][sub][u]D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Akada is 5’9” weighing 160 lbs with natural sanguine-red hair. His eyes are red and the sclera of his eyes are a plasma-yellow. His complexion is rosier than normal, appearing flushed. His skin to the touch is a little warmer than normal—feverish, but for his body-type it is normal. His fingernails are black and it’s not nail polish. It is actually a collection of iron under the cuticle. His fingers are often covered in bandages, and he can always be found wearing a hoodie of some sort. Hoodies, jeans, cargos, and Vans (skater shoes) comprise his every day outfit. He will have headphones in his ears listening to music and a skateboard either under his feet or being carried under his arm.[/list] [color=red][sub][u]Q U I R K T Y P E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Emitter[/list] [color=red][sub][u]Q U I R K D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Akada’s quirk is iron manipulation. He can manipulate the iron found in his own blood. He will often carry iron bars no longer than his hand into combat to act as fuel for his iron stores. His body will break down the iron and absorb it into his skin. Akada’s ability requires him to harm himself in order to release the iron found in his blood. He can then use his iron in several different attacks. He normally creates iron constructs from it such as a sword and shield. He can break these constructs back down and reabsorb them if they aren’t destroyed. Akada can fling his blood at enemies and it can take on the shape of several senbon-like needles, a lashing iron whip, or a javelin. Akada doesn’t waste his blood, and so he will settle for some sort of iron construct to battle his opponent with. The downside to Akada’s ability is that he risks iron deficiency anemia if he uses too much of his iron stores. He will become pale and suffer a shortness of breath. His motions will become lethargic as he creeps closer and closer to fainting, or worse, death. He will lose focus and grow cold. His iron is susceptible to magnetism, and therefore, can be rendered useless by enemies with such quirks. Akada has coped with his quirk by eating foods high in iron: spinach, eating red meat rare or seared, certain grains, etc. As previously mentioned, he will also collect iron doodads that he will keep stored in the pockets of his hoodie in the case he needs them. Akada in advance stages will be able to construct a suit of armor from iron and discover the quirk his mysterious father left him with.[/list] [color=red][sub][u]C A P A B I L I T I E S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Akada can do anything on his skateboard. At least that’s what most people believe when they see him navigate sidewalks, roads, and other obstacles without having to dismount. He is quite the gifted multi-tasker, being able to skateboard, listen to music, read or talk on the phone all at once. His multitasking skills had allowed him to perform several functions around his house: cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, and watching television. Applying these skills to his studies, he rarely gets overwhelmed by schoolwork, which leads to his other talent. He is a master procrastinator. No matter what, he knows Future Akada will get the assignment done eventually. Until then, he is going to do several other things. You know that kid who didn’t work as hard as you on a project and still managed to get an A? Yep, that’s him![/list] [color=red][sub][u]C H A R A C T E R G O A L S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Akada as friendly as he seems is inside out. He keeps his family and personal business a secret from those who probably actually care about him. It’s not their problem. His problems are his own. Akada prefers for everyone to act as they normally would and not change because of any other negative circumstances. This makes him actually have trust issues for he trusts hardly anyone with certain things. Akada is very passionate about villains getting the justice they deserve, and this drive is what motivates him to perform his best in hero school. His background is shrouded in darkness. Akada was a child that was never meant to be, but instead he was thrust on his mother by a villain to put it lightly. He doesn’t know who his father is, and he didn’t know what kind of a man he was until his grandmother told him. Secretly, Akada regrets his existence knowing that it came about unwillingly, but while he is here and alive he has vowed to himself that he was going to become a great hero so that situations like his mother’s can be mitigated. Akada just has to learn that becoming a great hero isn’t something he can do on his own. It requires trust, and he will have to learn to open up eventually.[/list] [/hider] Version 2 - I like this one more. [hider=Shinimatsu Borei] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmYyMmMxOC5VMmhwYm1sdFlYUnpkU0JDYjNKbGFRLCwuMAAA/youmurderer-bb.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/dDhHL82.jpg?1[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjMyLmYyMmMxOC5Ja2tnWkc5dUozUWdabVZsYkNCaElIUm9hVzVuTGlJLC4w/ropa-sans.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=red][sub][u]N A M E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Shinimatsu Borei[/list] [color=red][sub][u]A G E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]15[/list] [color=red][sub][u]O R I G I N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Osaka, Japan[/list] [color=red][sub][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R O P E S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Friendly Smiley Justice-craver Passionate Troubled Secretly Angry at the World[/list] [color=red][sub][u]D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Borei is 5’9” weighing 160 lbs with dark hair. His eyes are red and the sclera pink as though irritated. His complexion is sickly-white with gentle shadows of gray. His skin to the touch is cold but for him its normal. Beneath his thick sweaters and hoodies are stitches that appear to be holding him together. If one were to look closely, they would realize that Borei...well...he's dead. He possesses no heartbeat and he doesn't feel pain. Hoodies, jeans, cargos, and Vans (skater shoes) comprise his every day outfit. He will have headphones in his ears listening to music and a skateboard either under his feet or being carried under his arm.[/list] [color=red][sub][u]Q U I R K T Y P E[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Mutant[/list] [color=red][sub][u]Q U I R K D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Borei’s quirk is that he’s basically a zombie. He can be disemboweled, dismembered, and as long as he can be pulled back together with some sort of stitching or surgery, then he can still function. He doesn’t feel pain and so often times breaks and tears in his skin go unnoticed. The beauty about his quirk—if there’s any beauty at all—is that he can strike opponents without [i]feeling[/i] the backlash, which makes his strikes rather dangerous. He may break his hand on your face, but you will suffer for it, not him. The consequence of his quirk is that depending on the severity of his injuries, he relies on someone to pull him back together. Borei has broken his bones and tore his muscle fibers more than once his entire life that they have been reinforced on countless occasions for every time he was pieced back together. Borei can tank quite the amount of punishment before his body would crumble.[/list] [color=red][sub][u]C A P A B I L I T I E S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Borei can do anything on his skateboard. At least that’s what most people believe when they see him navigate sidewalks, roads, and other obstacles without having to dismount. He is quite the gifted multi-tasker, being able to skateboard, listen to music, read or talk on the phone all at once. His multitasking skills have allowed him to perform several functions around his house: cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, and watching television. Applying these skills to his studies, he rarely gets overwhelmed by schoolwork, which leads to his other talent. He is a master procrastinator. No matter what, he knows Future Borei will get the assignment done eventually. Until then, he is going to do several other things. You know that kid who didn’t work as hard as you on a project and still managed to get an A? Yep, that’s him! Borei grew up taking karate and judo classes in school and so is rather proficient in the art of self-defense. Because his quirk seems more of a handicap without a proper offense, Borei in his determination to become a great hero has taken it upon himself to learn how to fight. Of course, it wasn't easy for his mistakes have cost him several medical bills.[/list] [color=red][sub][u]C H A R A C T E R G O A L S[/u][/sub][/color] [list]Borei as friendly as he seems is inside out. He keeps his family and personal business a secret from those who probably actually care about him. It’s not their problem. His problems are his own. Borei prefers for everyone to act as they normally would and not change because of any other negative circumstances. This makes him actually have trust issues for he trusts hardly anyone with certain things. Borei is very passionate about villains getting the justice they deserve, and this drive is what motivates him to perform his best in hero school. While he may not be what people would stereotypical desire in a hero, he believes that zombies can be heroes too. His background is shrouded in darkness. Borei was a child that was never meant to be, but instead he was thrust on his mother by a villain to put it lightly. He doesn’t know who his father is, and he didn’t know what kind of a man he was until his grandmother told him. Secretly, Borei regrets his existence knowing that it came about unwillingly, but while he is here and alive (somewhat) he has vowed to himself that he was going to become a great hero so that situations like his mother’s can be mitigated. Borei just has to learn that becoming a great hero isn’t something he can do on his own. It requires trust, and he will have to learn to open up eventually.[/list] [/hider] [@DruSM157]