[hr][hr][center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e7de846f-30f3-4613-933c-40dce7104529.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/e4117d5f-65c8-4b8e-98df-5810a59267c5.jpg[/img][/center][hr][center][color=dc143c][b]Location:[/b][/color] North Of Newnan (Veterans Memorial Park - Corner of Temple Ave. & Jackson St.)[/center][hr][hr] Thalia smiled through a mouthful of MRE pound cake at her friend, letting out a semi-sarcstic [color=dc143c]"Mmm hmm."[/color] while Lola went on, mostly in response to her being crazy and/or preferring to stay on an aircraft carrier. She swallowed hard, getting the last of the preserved confection down. Thalia ignored the comment about her giving away food or drink, but she understood where it came from. The girl did like to eat, given the opportunity. But this was drink powder, sacrificed for an opportunity. And a coffee mug. Admittedly, [i]mostly[/i] the coffee mug. [color=dc143c]"Sweetie, you're annoying as leftover fuck sometimes."[/color] She focused her hard hazel eyes to Lola's, [color=dc143c]"I question why I decided to crawl into a strange woman's TANK months ago. And you know that I prefer solitude."[/color] Her eyes softened. [color=dc143c]"You knowing this, I wouldn't change our little setup either. We got a good thing here."[/color] She peeked a rare smile, apparently deciding that warm and fuzzy time was over. [color=dc143c]"And yes, aircraft carrier. Without question. [i]Wicked grande[/i] aircraft carrier."[/color] Thalia unzipped her jacket. She was just beginning to notice the change in temperature. Thalia's emotional/bitch moment was smashed as the radio issued what was, in her estimation, two of the least credible trucker's handles she'd had the misfortune to hear. She looked over to Lola, her face warped by embarrassment for the man into a singular "What The Fuck?" moment. Thalia didn't know exactly how to act in a manner that wasn't massively offputting, so instead gingerly set the radio down on the tank nearby without responding. [color=dc143c]"Yeah. That's just disturbing."[/color] When Alexander returned, mostly successful in his mission, Thalia just nodded her head with mouth slightly agape. After shoving the best of her comments back down someplace deep and quiet, she broke her stunned silence. [color=dc143c]"So hey there, ah, Grey Hawk?"[/color] Her Boston was flaring quite colorfully in her accent just then, [color=dc143c]"Don't eva call me that again, aur you'll be wearing this aun the inside. Okay?"[/color] The survivalist formerly known as Steel Chicken snatched up the radio and pressed it into Alexander's outstretched hand. [color=dc143c]"As for your cocoa, the deal was for coffee [i]mugs[/i], Pops. Plural. Whole point was for you to get a cup for yourself and have some motivation to get it frigging done. Plus I get something out of the deal for being such a Samaritan. This..."[/color] She examined the coffee mug, and stared at the man with an expression that screamed exasperation. [color=dc143c]"World's. Greatest. Lover."[/color] Thalia blinked once, slowly and thoughtfully. [color=dc143c]"Yeah, I give up."[/color] she whispered, apathetically tossing him the packet of Instant Cocoa. [color=dc143c]"Look, we had a heart-to-heart while you were away, and the phrase of the hour was "down the road a march". That's where we left off when [i]Steel Chicken[/i] happened. That's where we're at now."[/color]