[hider=Character Application][center][h1][color=cyan]Manuel Matsumoto-Ramirez[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/za5LXDU.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=teal]”You have to be a little odd to be number one.”[/color] [/center] [color=cyan][sub][u]N A M E[/u][/sub][/color] [list][color=deepskyblue]Manuel or “Manny”[/color][/list] [color=cyan][sub][u]A G E[/u][/sub][/color] [color=deepskyblue]15[/color] [color=cyan][sub][u]O R I G I N[/u][/sub][/color] [color=deepskyblue]Cancún, Mexico[/color] [color=cyan][sub][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y T R O P E S[/u][/sub][/color] [color=deepskyblue]Comedic Adaptable Companionly Self-Absorbed Ambitious Self-Critical Vindictive [/color] [color=cyan][sub][u]D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [color=deepskyblue] Manny experienced a growth spurt during his childhood. His current height remains at 5’6 and a half excluding the mutation advantage. The boy’s weight is ideal for someone at his height and age; the scale represents him to be around 172 pounds. From eating fruits and vegetables, Manny gained a healthy complexion. The kid could eat more fattening foods. Due to his fast metabolism, he does burn and breaks down his meals a lot quicker. His normal appearance is nothing impressive nor unhealthy, he just appears to be extremely lanky. His clothing consists of light winter jackets with holes in the hood. [/color] [color=cyan][sub][u]Q U I R K T Y P E[/u][/sub][/color] [color=deepskyblue]Transformation[/color] [color=cyan][sub][u]Q U I R K D E S C R I P T I O N[/u][/sub][/color] [color=deepskyblue]Manny is fortunate to have possessed the super powered genes from both of his parents. His mother carried a mutation quirk and his father held powers of an emitter. The combination of the two gifted Manny with a transformation. Manny can alter his form to resemble a deer. His mother carried the quirk to have a doe’s characteristics. Her ears became differently shaped and stretched outwards as a result. Even her nose possessed the wetness and blackness of doe. Other than appearance changes, her agility and jumping prowess could only be described as phenomenal. Manny’s father emitted ice as his quirk. The man dropped the temperature to below freezing wherever he walked. His breath even showcased how cold his quirk made him converting to a visible cloud of air. More impressive, the man created ice from thin air. That isn’t just an expression, his quirk allowed him to freeze the air particles thus changing a gas to a solid matter. Manny obtained both of these genes but did not get them specifically. One major defining trait about Manuel is the antlers popping out of his skull once he enables his transformation. His mother never owned antlers so it must’ve changed due to his male gender. His antlers are sturdy enough to take blows; however, Manny can break them off to assemble a stronger set than before. Doing this can grant him a migraine. Multiple times will only increase the pain and force him to bleed from his head. Once he triggers his antlers, Manuel cannot retract them back until a few days later. It makes going through doors very difficult; they increase his height by two feet. Manuel inherited his father’s coldness. The temperature from his body is always cold which is the reason he carries a light jacket with him at all times. He can only emit ice if he calls forth his transformation technique. Unfortunately, he did not get the best out of his father’s quirk. His father’s quirk granted him the ability to create ice from anywhere. The opponent might have been a long distance away, but Manny’s father acquired the capability of still injuring him. Manuel cannot do that as he can only freeze the air in a five-foot radius. [/color] [color=cyan][sub][u]C A P A B I L I T I E S[/u][/sub][/color] [color=deepskyblue] Manny bears the knowledge of knowing three languages: English, Spanish, and Japanese. He knows how to prepare sushi and other traditional Japanese dishes; this goes the same for Mexican meals too. Manuel knows how to prioritize his responsibilities. Making a schedule does help him complete short-term goals a lot quicker. [/color] [color=cyan][sub][u]C H A R A C T E R G O A L S[/u][/sub][/color] [color=deepskyblue] Manny’s parents originated from Mexico; however, Manny was born on U.S. soil. The reason involves their interpretation of the country; they perceived Mexico inappropriate for their child. With little money in their possession, Manny’s father sent his pregnant wife to the United States. Though this happened by illegal terms. Manny paid an established man of a crime organization to provide transportation for his beloved. The man accepted the payment and allowed the woman on board. He drove a moving truck full of people who wished to live the American dream. The drive consisted of uneasiness and a few bumps, but Manuel’s mother persevered. Luck, unfortunately, ran out. The man driving the moving truck stopped his vehicle and left. The people inside speculated police stopped him or he walked into a store for supplies. Time passed and their fears began. The man left a truck full of people in a parking lot. The heat became a dangerous factor; people started to sweat and hallucinate. Manny’s mother began feeling ill. Her water broke and she sooner gave birth in the truck with the help of the other passengers. The woman ended up devastated knowing her child could not survive the heat. She later smiled and teared up as she hugged her newborn. Miraculously, her hands felt the baby’s cold skin. “I’ll warm you up. His name is Manuel Ramirez, please.” She spoke out loud in case anyone heard her. Because as she knew, Manny would be going alone from here on out. Police discovered the truck after a whole day. People died from heat and thirst. Medics spent their time helping the new infant. Some survivors made it out by sheer willpower. Once medical treatment had been provided, the doctors tried finding anyone of relation to the newborn. Many survivors spoke up and explained the situation. By law, Manuel managed to become a US citizen. With no contact regarding his father, social workers placed Manny in a foster home before finding him responsible and reliable foster parents. Manny’s foster parents did not have any quirks and did not expect to raise a son with super powers. His parents were Asian and happened to be elated just to have a child of their own. They did not think of him any different nor did they gave the quirk any acknowledgment. His foster parents did give provide him the necessary clothing for his abnormal body temperature. They focused on the boy’s scholarly achievements and cultural understanding. Culinary arts and piano lessons were sometimes part of the boy’s routines. Studying took place most throughout the day in order for Manny to achieve high grades, as recommended by his new foster parents. Due to the studying and scholarly childhood, he did pick up a lot of knowledge; however, he did not set out his interests toward art. With his more than average intelligence, he figured there was something different between him and parents. Manny confronted his parents and they agreed from the beginning that they would confess to Manny about his origins. They informed him of everything at the age of 10 (Manuel is oblivious.) After telling him, they did force Mexican culture onto him. They did not want him to forget his origin country despite what happened to his real mother. His foster parents were concerned and informed him they did know of his last name. They wished to know which last name he was going to take. Manny, being at a young age, did not think highly of this. He chose both for his full name.From then on, he decided to become a hero. He could not help but think of the man that left his mother to die in a moving truck. His dream is to stop the crime organization located in Mexico and to find his real father. [/color][/hider] Apologies, I attended an anime convention today. I tried messaging but I kept receiving "No Internet." I took out the bold tags.