[center][h1][Color=F48CA7]Josephine Clark[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/8bfe4de44140ed062d7b4ebdc40a815b/tumblr_og1mi12uF91utmdtuo1_400.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=F48CA7]Location:[/color] The Prison[/center][hr] Josephine had to stifle any sort of reaction to not only seeing how the Warden kept his own appearance but that of his office as well. It was disgusting, but she shouldn't be surprised. Prisons weren't known for being the pinnacle of vacation destinations. Still, this was a bit much. She dusted off the chair to the best of her ability before she gently sat down, crossing one foot over the other. Everything about this felt wrong to her, but she wasn't about to back down now. [color=F48CA7]"Well, I think I can come up with a few reasons, but the one that seems the most likely to me is you were interrogating that horrible man in ways I won't condemn, but certainly don't approve of, and he mentioned us and we are here to prove our innocence in the death outside of that hotel. If you would like my telling of those events, then I will gladly do so."[/color] She desperately wanted a cigarette but held out. [color=F48CA7]"We came from the museum, Haakon and I, and we stopped for a drink at the hotel. That was when we overheard that man talking to the hotel clerk. He was getting very upset and was visibly angry. However, he stormed off. We both followed him outside and that was when we heard a glass break. We quickly made our way to the alley where we saw the dead body in question and that man dressed as him and sneaking into the hotel. Now, I couldn't sit idly by, could I? After all, the man mentioned a friend of ours' name and it seemed like she was the intended target. Seeing as he already killed someone, I couldn't just let that go. So we followed him into her quarters and held him until the authorities arrived." "I expect you have questions and I will gladly provide answers, but the truth is we didn't do anything wrong apart from chasing a dangerous man. He is caught and is back now, so isn't that a win in your books?"[/color]