[@Silverstein][@Blueflame] Just as she had with all the other girls before, Xi Shi gave a similar bow, a fist to an open palm, both thumbs tucked in. She bowed almost too low this time, however. With a smile, she noticed that Arir was back, and better yet without that crappy 2nd year that was bugging her before. With a much more delicate voice to try to match the daintier woman before her, she spoke. "I am Xi Shi Lou, it is a pleasure to meet you! We are new here as well" She happily introduced herself to the new girl. So far the other first years seemed much kinder than those later into the year. She would have to get her conquest over before she turned into someone as stoic as them. After all, her greatest power was her passion. Her thought process was cut off with the sounds of her now older friend inquiring over if there was more to do than they had seen. With a teasing smile, Xi Shi merely moved her arms out to either side to gesture to the training room before her. "We will become strong! That is all we need to do"