[@YoshiSkittlez][@December][@Vicier] [h2][color=gold]Magnus Bane[/color][/h2] [hr] Magnus felt a bit of relief sweep through him like a comforting blanket. She didn't want him gone. He did't pull back his hands when she reached for them. Rather he let the contact happen. He gave a nod. [color=gold]"Okay"[/color] it was a simple response, but the way it was laced with his relief showed how much stress he had been experiencing. He gave a light squeeze of her hands and nodded again. [color=gold]"Okay biscuit"[/color] A nickname that often popped out of his mouth with friends. Not enough for it to be recognized by those he was still working on socializing with, but enough with closer friends that they knew he was showing a bit of his softer side with it. Magnus then tilted his head as she cut off. Concern sweeping his features for a moment. The panic that swept through her caused him to try to center himself enough to sense if anything was there. He flickered his eyes a moment and really centered himself. Sensing the room out. After moments had passed he shook his head. [color=gold]"If there was something they must have left"[/color] He gave her a quick hug before pulling back. [color=gold]"With it being gone I believe you're safe now"[/color] His thoughts traveled to leo in the car and he sighed. [color=gold]"Ill get leo away from here so you don't have to worry anymore"[/color] He gave her hand a gentle squeeze before moving out, this time feeling a lot better and knowing that he would be back. Magnus made his way to the car and slid into the driver's seat. [color=gold]"Where to? somewhere with drinks?"[/color] [hr] [h2][color=lavender]Gage Brooks[/color][/h2] [hr] Gage snapped his sleepy attention up to xeres as he spoke. A wave of emotions washed over his features as he stood. He shuffled his way over to his girlfriend and somehow managed to not trip and fall face first onto the floor. He shuffled right up to the side of her bed and went for her hand. He gently held it and had a smile on his face. [color=lavender]"Hey"[/color] His half lidded eyes seemed entirely focused on the pink haired girl laying in front of him, even with his brain only partially functioning. He gently took her hand and pressed it to his lips before inhaling. [color=lavender]"Im going to sit down. Ill still be next to you....i just...need rest"[/color] That was evident enough just from the tired tone coming from him. Gage made his way to the chair closest to her side and plopped into it. A sharp exhale left him and he found himself sinking into the chair like it had its own gravitational pull. His eyelids drooped a bit more on him and he found his head tilting back in order to still have Syleste in his range of limited vision. He was way too tired. His eyelids fluttered more on him and he let out a soft sound of frustration. Gage did not want to fall asleep yet, but his body decided it had other plans for him. His head gently rolled to the side and a sigh escaped him before he fully was enveloped in the world of the dreaming once more. It was a more gentle and soft sleep that he would easily be broken out of should any noise be made. The type of light sleep that was perfect for napping. Though, should he be left sleeping it would likely transition into a deeper sleep that would require more effort to wake him.