[b]Name:[/b] Roderic Montana [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Looks:[/b][img]http://i.imgur.com/ikxErxB.png[/img] [b]Skills:[/b] Weapons Handling, CQC Savant, Espionage, Tactics, driving, field medicine, and entry level mechanics. (can fix a car, but he couldn't build a water pump) [b]Loyalty:[/b] Neither [b]Rank in Organization:[/b] N/A [b]Bio Before the Outbreak:[/b] Prior to the outbreak, Montana was a mercenary who specialized in small scale field missions, single target acquisition, and espionage. His resume included numerous conflicts in the European theater, a few acts of high treason, and several tours on the Dark Continent. He was hunting an African Warlord when the outbreak started. Much to the chagrin of the local government he had been working for, Montana instead turned his attention to the rumors of 'Human Rabies" and tried to find the origin of the disease. [b]Bio After the Outbreak:[/b] His investigation had turned up mixed results, and ground zero was far too hot for even he to penetrate. Using the contacts he had made while in the field, he secured passage to his fathers home country, the United States, rather than his mothers home, and the place of his upbringing, Great Britain. His fathers ancestral lands called to him. Within his British blood pumped the echos of Indigenous American. Now seemed like a good a time as any to go to his fathers homeland. By now, it had already spread to the U.S, and upon disembarking had to elude boarder control agents who, by dubious means, were ensuring that no hint of the virus would touch their shores by boat. Montana's life since then was a smattering of mercenary work, survival, and involvement in several large scale conflicts, the largest being a bloody confrontation between a large group of former military members, and a smaller group of spooks who wanted to topple this rising power. Fresh off of that final conflict, Montana, and a truck with munitions hidden beneath innocuous looking junk, enteredt of the City of Atlanta.