Yes, he was an excellent test subject. Just like the quarry next to her. Gavin. Their vessel had raced, at a near tenth of light speed, hopefully before Virne would catch word, during his illustrious scheduled revelry on Universal Nova. However, she knew this to be impossible. ACASIAS readily took advantage of transferring trillions of qubits to all the necessary recipients, sending via quantum entanglement, information born upon protons and atoms, by exchanging a myriad of electron orbital states precisely from one position in space to another. However, this physical massage of galactic data etched as a massive morse-like code to which each Scrounger’s suit could intercept, decrypt, and compile as local audiovisual files, if they had clearance and/or said info was declassified; the numbers ferried out fortunately were not superluminal despite resolution of the EPR paradox of special relativity, centuries before. They still relied on the presumption of harmonic shell perceptions. An appropriate analogy would be a telegraph employing subatomic preservation without hyperfine splitting, but relishing in the logical gates of relativistic swapping. As long as one could decipher such anticipated exchanges intentionally, information in a local galaxy was faster than the classical transmission of a spoken dialogue. Yet, biological life forms were too complex to translate over such a vast ether, due to risk of disrupting the Pioneer plaque limits of astrophysics. Alas, all these actions could still be carried about with such rapid communication, even without, quantum teleportation, by ACASIAS before the pair even set foot inside. With the aid of the gravity manipulator, Vropda and her new found shipmate finally met again the perpetrator. The other two carcasses had since been removed from the quarantined field and stringent biometric locks that were already placed on the frozen, rotisserie body. His corpus appeared packaged as a potential gifted specimen for her Xenoendoplantation lab, primed for dissection as a scion for future grafting and embedding among the Scrounger race. The Duke had denied her request before, but may now be more malleable with this third altercation being the incident racked on Nick’s rapsheet. In his proverbial famous words: Three strikes. And you’re out. The Captain still knew that Zelthis remained cognizant; he was more elusive than uncontrolled nanobots, and he would need not only physical restraints but mental ones. Since his cochlear cells were the most resistant to damage, Creft’s sister realized he could still hear. [i]Perfect.[/i] She pressed a few buttons on her suit, which engaged several speakers, readied for their musical debut. Vropda had since cultivated such complex, self-perpetuating melodic fractals into sound, repeating a musical theme in a large symphonic framework. Similar to a cant or an elegy, her dirge would secretly, unbeknownst to Lobrom, appease and pacify the frigid man's disturbed mood, assuming their captive’s nervous systems utilized electric potentials and depolarization. The soothing tunes were low pitched, only consciously detectable with the correct diverting strata. All she needed was to reach the subconscious id that mounted upon the ego of this shapeshifter, altering his brain to reciprocally dance to [i]their[/i] suggestions and orders. The Captain realized this could only last for an optimal twenty to thirty standard hours, before Nick would purposely negate the auditory signaling to release himself from these cerebral fetters. Vropda, once satisfied that the [url=]bispectral index[/url] score from Zelthis equated and related to quiescent sedation, bellowed in a shrill voice. [color=f26522]“ACASIAS, bring the containment unit. Once he's imprisoned, please instill gravity once more, so our friend, Gavin, here, does not have to.”[/color] [b]> UNDERSTOOD[/b] [@Hekazu][@Fer1323][@JBRam2002][@Zverda][@Corporal Lance]