Gigger walked back into the cabin after contemplating the acts they had just committed. He believed he had resolved his moral issue, but was still in doubt. His arms now overly burdened with firewood, he dropped several pieces in the wooden bin to the right of the fireplace. He made several trips outside, each time returning with an armload of firewood; most overly seasoned which would burn up quickly. He reserved a few pieces that had only been cut within the past year. Those would be best for overnight when it got cold. He heard Dan mention breaking out the army guns and the explosives. This cemented the track they were following. He could not turn back. He was in it for good and would probably die in the process. It took several contemplative moments to let Dan’s comments sink in. Preston reinserted the bolt to his rifle, inspecting the action to make sure it operated properly. He looked at Dan, “mind if I take one apart?” The younger Giguere brother smiled, standing up. He walked to the arms/supply room to deposit his Remington and retrieve an M4. When he returned to the great room, he looked at his brother building a fire. “Hey Ben, clean your pistol!” “Leave me the fuck alone, Preston!” “Kiss my ass, butt head,” Preston smiled. Ben let it go, lighting the fire. He stood up and turned toward Dan. “You know, my dad always kept a generator up here during the fall and winter months. He brought it back to BF in the Spring. This building is wired for electricity, but as you have seen there are no wires or poles for several miles. How about we get a generator and some fuel?” Ben wasn’t going to even talk about WiFi or internet connections. Such a notion had not even entered his mind. Given their location on Google Maps, they would need a Satellite telephone in order to upload anywhere. “Hey fuck nuts,” Ben yelled at Preston. “Give that God damn cleaning kit.” Ben pulled out his Ruger .44 and opened the cleaning kit. “Why don’t you be useful and hand me one of them beers. I paid for them.” He started cleaning his pistol and took the cold can from his brother. “Yea, you are right about the army stuff. We need to get into that now. I want to check out that Mk-14 we got from those guys.”