[center][s][h3]Theodore Smith[/h3][/s] [h2]Dirk Davidson[/h2] Interactions: [@Achronum][@Tybalt Capulet][/center] [hr] Theo nodded slightly as Aster agreed with him - good. Dirk was the kind of guy that helped others, so Theo needed to help her, both with learning the game, and defending the two of them. The dark thought that, with less armor, he'd be more important flashed across his mind, but was quickly dismissed. Dirk wouldn't think that. Still, they were wasting time - some people in the crowds were already starting to recuperate, and while most would be too afraid to go out and grind, it would be best to stay ahead of the curve. When this is all revealed to be some sick joke, they would be some of the strongest people in the entire game. Hell, who knows - maybe a strong guild will be formed, and Dirk will be invited as the strongest tank in the game... Well, wishful thinking isn't needed right now. The thoughts rushing through Theo's mind stopped him from noticing Kajin's twitching, and the lack of confidence in his voice. [color=f7976a]“Okay. That’s not a bad idea either. I still think it’d be best to equip you with even cloth armor but if we are confident we will be okay without it, we can hunt down a quest."[/color] Dirk gave a thumbs up and winked slightly, with the same toothy smile he had been giving the entire time. Theo was definitely getting too good at playing Dirk. [color=f7976a]“However, if I run out of mana we need to back out. Healing spells at this level are expensive and I can only cast six before I’m out of mana, seven if my passive triggers on four of the six casts. Dirk is right, I doubt anything outside of dungeons will be excessively challenging but we should keep a high safety margin until we get a better understanding of the game. And since I can’t afford a first aid kit yet, we don’t have any secondary resources in the event things get hairy.”[/color] [color=fff200]"Of course. I personally have no idea how healing works in this game, but if you say so, I won't argue. Besides, we don't know how fast the regen in this game is. If you run out of mana, backing off is the smart choice."[/color] Theo personally thought he could go a little longer without any healing, purely based on his pool of health, but that was because of his experience with other games, and the fact he had not yet accepted the fact they could all actually die. In other games, starting area monsters are usually weak, and a single player can reliably solo them, so of course, Theo thought the caution was a bit too much. But then again, if they don't regenerate health or mana after a fight and have to rest, backing off would be a smart choice. Dirk would follow a teammates advice. Kajin was a healer for a reason, he knew how to heal - No reason to question him on something Theo didn't even bother to read during character creation. [color=f7976a]“So this is what I recommend we do then. Let’s hunt down a few quests. The first thing Aster spends her Renn on is armor then we keep questing until level 3. After that, depending on how we feel, we could try poking our noses in one of the dungeons on this floor. If the first pull is too much, we run like hell."[/color] A friend invite popped in front of Theo, and Kajin continued. [color=f7976a]"If we get separated or have to leave party, we can always find each other through this. Just in case you know? Not sure what we’re going to run into after all! And once we do this, I think our brave and daring tank can lead the way to our first quest, yeah?"[/color] Dirk hit accept. Smart thinking - Theo wouldn't have thought of using the friend system as a communication device, and it's always good to be prepared. Theo noticed at this point that Kajin was a little uncomfortable. A few seconds pass before Theo thinks up a response. [color=fff200]"Smart thinking. man! Good to know we're all already buddies!"[/color] Theo gave Kajin a swift pat to the back, before wrapping his arm around Kajin's shoulder. Then, in a low, much more serious tone, Theo spoke. [color=fff200]"And don't worry about the whole dying thing... As long as I'm alive, I'll make sure you and Aster don't take a single point of damage."[/color] He said it low, almost whispering into Kajin's ear. After all, he was trying to ease Kajin's worries, not embarrass him by comforting him in front of a girl. He clapped his hand on Kajin's shoulder 2 times, before readopting his Dirk voice. [color=fff200]"And you're right to leave the quest-hunting to me! After all, the best way to find a miscellaneous quest is to find..."[/color] Dirk began to look for something, leaning forwards and being very exaggerated. Then he pointed at the bulletin board, located near the front of the city square. [color=fff200]"There! A quest would be super hard to ask around for in this kind of game, so most should be written up and in a place everyone can easily get to."[/color] Theo trudged forwards, his snail pace, carrying him reliably towards his goal. He silently prayed that their was an item or something that increases speed... But eventually, they make it there, revealing countless pieces of papers stuck to the wooden board. 4 in particular stood out, as they were on the front and the paper color was attention grabbing. They were long, and had the signatures of the respective quest givers at the bottom. 4 separate quests appeared in quick succession in front of Theo, all of which he declined after reading. He wanted to talk with the party before deciding. He half-turned, to look directly at the two behind him, showing them the 4 options from his menu. [color=fff200]"What do you guys think? I say we accept them all, and do the Boar and Blacksmith quest first. Then, when Kajin runs out of mana and we come back, we can do the other two. But if you guys would prefer doing it another way, I'm all for it."[/color] An extended arm, thumbs up, wink, and... big smile. Perfect. Dirk wasn't the kind of guy that took control of people - he gave them choices, had them make the decisions. Besides, he was completely useless without a damage dealer, and would run out of HP fast without a healer - he needed them. Even though he thought that was the best plan, he was going to let them choose - he wanted them to like Dirk.