Fenrir steps up to race against the young Augustus and it is almost funny. Where Augustus is the 'pinnacle' of success, tall and clearly athletic through training Fenrir is the opposite. Clearly he has trained, but he is more lean muscle designed for endurance, speed, rather than pure strength. As soon as Wraith lets them start, Fenrir takes off at a brisk pace slowly building speed and momentum as he looks at Lucas, the Cannon, and Haley, whose quirk remains unknown. Their race was a quick one and after a decent jog 7 second jog Fenrir passes the finish line and shyly walks towards the pair. [color=00a651]"H-Howdy, just wanted to congratulate you guys on your race."[/color][/color] The big guy smiles softly and holds out a hand. [color=00a651]"I didn't get to introduce myself earlier, but I'm Fenrir your new classmate."[/color][@LeamonZest89][@Azure Flame]