[@Dealdric], sorry that it took us a little while to comment, but here's our general remarks; [List] [*]It needs to be written up as a Freak. Bodily changes due to powers are the hallmark of a Freak. [*]Clarification on the ability: "Can he control the material around the shard?" [*]Weakness: Ruby is nice, but then we remove the fact that his body is like or made up of ruby: instead and insectoid form? [*]Powers: Just bodily manipulation and telekinesis is fine. [*]This reminds me personally of Deoxys, the Pokémon. [*]A general all-round fleshing-out. More personality and power description mostly. [/list] So right now, 6/10. We'd let you in just on concept, but let's refine it before we let him loose, yeah?