[img]https://scontent.fmvd3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/21192810_1452111204875936_8474869478364035316_n.jpg?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=b0e6df79699c420553c4d7cc7ba37a9c&oe=5A585EB7[/img] Name: Jeanette Dominguez Age:23 Bio (something brief): A university students from Uruguay, South America, she arrived to the U.S wuthhopes of getting a degree in Biology. Without help from her parents she had to get a job as bartender. Weapons: A spanner and a steel hammer Basic gear inside the backpack: A rope, a swiss knife, a few candles and a lighter, a water bottle. Stats (Only one can be 5/5) Strenght: 3/5 Speed: 3/5 Intelligence: 5/5 Accuracy:2/5 Leadership: 1/5 Driving: 3/5 Composure: 4/5 Skill: Improvisation: Can find a temporary solution to most problems