[center][h1][color=lightblue]The Intimadated Blue Beetle[/color][/h1] [h3]Episode 9[/h3][/center] [color=lightblue][i]'For here am I sitting in a green bubble, far above the world...'[/i][/color] Ted sung in his head to pass the time as GL shuttled the team over to an emergency call at STAR labs. It would be cool to see all of the technological marvels on display in the facility, even if Ted wouldn't be able to get an up close look at them. He'd heard there was some cool stuff being worked on there such as some pretty smart AIs, top of the line cloning and he'd even heard rumours of a magical artifact stockpile housed inside. The Blue Beetle was snapped out of his technological fantasizing by being placed on the ground. Getting to the lab, Green Lantern wasted no time dividing the team in two. Ted had expected to be put on civilian duty due to the somewhat metal based nature of his costume but it was much to late to argue as GL got knocked clean through a wall. [color=lightblue]"Welp, lets get to it Polaroid."[/color] Ted said to PM as he quickly tried to think of some way to attack. He could blind Polaris if he could get close enough but given the situation Ted guessed that he would need to wait for an opportunity to arise before he could even try that. Giving the area a quick glance Ted spotted a large stone chunk of rubble leaning against one of the still mostly intact walls. An idea popped into Ted's head as he quickly ran over and hid behind the slab. To any outsiders it would simply look like Ted ran off and hid but that couldn't be farther from the case. In an instant Ted began to work on his plan of attack. Hopefully Polaris would be stalled for a moment and not pay him any mind while he prepared. Pushing a button on his suit, one of his BUG's modular attachments sprung to life in the form of four robotic legs. Two of the legs quickly positioned themselves on the slab and the other two stuck into the ground to take the weight. With quick but decent accuracy Ted lined the rubble up with where Polaris had been and proceeded to unholster his airgun and blast the rubble with it at full force, sending the rock flying in a somewhat controlled hurtle.