[h2][center]Judah Raines - Farce's Apartment[/center][/h2] [center][@banana][@eklispe][@solokolos][/center] As Limbo disappeared out the door, Judah looked at his allies and said,[color=green]"I didn't sense anything except dread from her. She definitely can't be trusted, but this could be a good opportunity. Let's get our gear."[/color] He took his time getting ready. Limbo wanted them to follow her after all. She would make sure they knew which way she went and keeping her waiting seemed rather funny to Judah. He slung his bag over his shoulder; containing his weapons and outfit. If he needed to, he could change as they followed Limbo. His sidearm still on his hip. Being an FBI agent came with its' perks after all. He left the apartment taking point. As they walked he saw Limbo down the hall. He didn't run or make any indication of him being in a hurry. As they got to the end of the hall, Limbo phased into the alleyway. When they reached that point, she turned the corner out of sight. Judah nodded to his comrades and whispered,[color=green]"I'll go first. Keep your eyes open for an ambush."[/color] Then he made hand signs directing Zach to take Judah's right hand side and left hand for Sparse. He focused his abilities to sense any emotions emanating from all around them within a large radius. If there was any ambushes going on, he would sense the people behind them.