[h2][center][color=fff200]Saef Harken Celestial Library[/color][/center][/h2] An explosive sigh escaped the lips if the fine featured young man as he leaned back in his chair. Before him laid a sizable table absolutely covered in a collection of books, scrolls, crystals and artefacts. Basically anything that could be used to hold information through means magical or mundane. It was a testament to the craftsman's skill that the table hadn't collapsed under the weight of it all. Saef wasn't sure how long he had been in the massive library to be completely honest. He knew he had missed at least one meal, if not more. There was just so much knowledge in the building that it boggled the mind. He could have spent the rest of his mortal life in here and still only scratch the surface. Nevertheless it had to be done. Saef and his men were new to Heaven and some of the older residents seemed to find their mere presence unpleasant. They needed information if they wanted to do much good here. It was up to those among the group both curious and stubborn enough to wade through the oceans of books in Heaven's many libraries to get it. Saef himself had decided to focus on one subject in particular. The mysterious ruler of Heaven herself, Imperator Deva. It wasn't an easy task he had learned. Those who would talk to him tended to be more on the young side and not know much themselves. Books had seemed to hold more promise, they couldn't refuse to talk to him at least. After being (not unexpectedly) refused entry to the restricted sections of this particular library the newly made immortal had done the best he could with the more mundane sections. Working off of the logic that the older something was the more likely it was to have something useful in it Saef had piled his table with the oldest material he could find that might even tangentially relate to the Imperator. Saef refocused his eyes from where they had been staring at some indeterminate point between him and the gilded ceiling far overhead. He needed to take break soon. Get out, stretch his legs and give his brain a rest. The stupid thing kept wandering and trying to figure out the make-up of all the different types of paper he was reading from. [i][color=fff200]I'll just finish this last book, then I'll take a break.[/color][/i] He promised himself as he leaned forward once again and found his place in the book that he was fairly sure was older than recorded history on his home planet.