There was a mix of emotions around the breakfast table. Before Savayna's uproar all of a sudden, it had been all smiles and good laughs. Though, when nearly everyone heard and felt her ear-piercing screams, some jolted out of their seats. Cassandra had covered her ears and did a light yelp of her own. Isabelle, who had joined them a few minutes prior, wondered what exactly caused her to make that abrupt shift in moods. She was definitely bothered by something that might've had to do with Grant, but that was too quick of a shift in her demeanor. One moment she was justifiably angry at Grant for flat out ignoring her and the next something went terribly wrong--so much so that she ended up losing control of her mist. Everyone might've been clueless, but the one person who knew what happened to her kept the calmest of expressions. Wesley knew what she was experiencing. He let out a simple sigh. He knew not to worry. As bad as she might've felt right now, Wesley knew she would be alright. Still, it was vastly different than how he was. Maybe there's something about the Word that effects everyone differently. For him, it put him in a comatosed state, so maybe it gave Archadians an intense emotional outburst? No that's not quite right. They were always an emotional bunch. So what could it be? [color=sienna][i]If you think too hard, you'll rip your stitches.[/i][/color] Wesley heard Hashmal tease. Wesley would laugh, smiling there afterward. As he did, he heard silence throughout the halls of his castle. "[color=fff79a]Ah, it seems everything is under control now,[/color]" Wesley mused. [hr] On the mention of Jaakuna, Zodiark chuckled as if amused. "[color=36454f]It's funny how you mention him specifically. You must be quite fond of him, huh?[/color]" Zodiark fished, examining Shion's always-serious demeanor. "[color=36454f]Someone like you who has lived this long and hasn't afforded herself the pleasure of lowering her guard since Avira and Rio.[/color]" Zodiark knew that would strike some kind of reaction. "[color=36454f]Makes one wonder if maybe you see some of them inside Jaakuna. Not Avira, for she didn't have the strength to withstand what you or Jaakuna had to endure. So, maybe he reminds you of Rio?[/color]" Zodiark mused, thinking to himself. He then glanced at Shion, sensing a disturbance in the air.