Keiran raised his eyebrows at Wesley, entertained at his rather thoughtful expression. The prince sure knew how to keep it under wraps--or at the very least, seemed to begin to understand what had actually happened. He was rather pleased with the development, even sitting back in his chair. He did let out a rather quiet groan--Emiri's fever was starting to actually bother him. He had reason to believe it would probably last longer than he would like, but considering how much slower her progress was, he had to give her a little push. She'd live. Probably. He watched Wesley, though he placed his elbows on the table, chin on his hands. "[color=gray]You're awfully calm,[/color]" He couldn't help but point out. "[color=gray]I'd be pretty concerned about my princess; especially if you do understand what's happening.[/color]" As the words left his mouth, both Grant and Nadeline had returned to the hall--Grant because he wasn't fond of having Savayna give Jaakuna googly eyes, and Nadeline because she was very concerned with his sudden silence. She practically forced Grant to sit, inspecting him carefully. Keiran grinned, watching her. "[color=gray]Something wrong, princess?[/color]" "[color=coral]Not now,[/color]" She snapped at him, raising Grant's face to hers. "[color=coral]Grant's gotten an infection somehow, he doesn't seem to be able to speak without struggle.[/color]" "[color=gray]Has he? Another different symptom...[/color]" He would look at Wesley once more, curious. [hr] Shion's eyes widened considerably, and without thinking, slapped Zodiark sharply across the face. "[color=deepskyblue]That you would speak his name so casually, as if it were nothing! Don't you [i]dare[/i] speak his name, as if it weren't bad enough that he died because of [i]you[/i]![/color]" She was angry, angrier than she had been in a long, long time. As if realizing her outburst, she took a step back, her hand to her face. "[color=deepskyblue]It wasn't enough that you had to give him power, but you had all the glee in the world when he went to you for more. And you gave it to him without so much as a second thought.[/color]" It wasn't that she wasn't trying to calm herself, but he knew exactly how to push her buttons. He knew exactly how much Rio had meant--and he enjoyed every moment of it. Inhaling slowly, she then let out a breath. "[color=deepskyblue]Jaakuna is nothing like Rio. He knows his own limits...he is humble where Rio was not.[/color]" She said quietly, though she, too, would sense it. "[color=deepskyblue]Ever closer he steps into the direction of power, and knows what must be done.[/color]"