"[color=coral]What? Wesley, where are you going?[/color]" Nadeline had only caught wind of the end of the conversation, watching Wesley leave as he stated he needed to see something. She sighed, knowing that thoughtful expression much too well. There was no changing his mind, so she would leave him be, though she noticed Lorenzo's continuous stare at Keiran. She rolled her eyes, though she would also give him her attention, only to find Keiran's gaze not quite at her eyes, but at something...lower. It took her a few seconds, though she would quickly cover herself, glaring at him. "[color=coral]Do you [i]mind[/i]?[/color]" She huffed at him, displeased. Keiran looked up at her, curious. "[color=gray]They've...gotten bigger, haven't they?[/color]" He asked her slowly, tilting his head. Grant was entirely confused by that observation, nor was he able to confirm nor deny it. Nadeline's assets were usually...less than ideal, her figure more willowy than not. However, it wasn't like he noticed those types of things anyway, as that was his niece, and those types of looks were reserved for women he was interested in. Lorenzo, on the other hand, would look directly at his daughter, as if noticing something. "[color=darkorange]Oh my god he's right,[/color]" Lorenzo let out a gasp. "[color=coral]Father![/color]" "[color=darkorange]But it's true! Your hips look slightly wider...you've really gained some weight, huh?[/color]" He asked her. [hr] He'd have to try a little better than that. "[color=deepskyblue]Of course it is,[/color]" Shion slapped his hand away, shaking her head. "[color=deepskyblue]In a way, I have you to thank for that. I was completely blinded by your words, those promises that you whispered so sweetly. The idea that only the strong survive is still with me to this day, I'll admit. But your methods were far crueler than they needed to be, and not because of reality--but because you enjoyed it so.[/color]" She told him harshly. "[color=deepskyblue]And so the Scion is out of your hands precisely for that reason--you deliberately took advantage of her at her lowest point, though you foolishly sent Jaakuna to her, thinking she would either kill him or they'd take each other out. And [i]that[/i] is why you will fall.[/color]"