To that, Zodiark simply shrugged. He figured he'd give it a shot. Though it might have worked on others, Shion's mental fortitude and knowing what was a ploy and what was the real thing was, if nothing else, uncanny. Even in her weakened state, her awareness remained intact. Perhaps that's where he let his tendency to have too much fun dominate his equal mental prowess that Shion had. And as he listened to her words carefully, he found it interesting she would mention Jackson. "[color=36454f]I suppose you are right about that. How could I possibly underestimate that?[/color]" Zodiark feigned shock, throwing up his hands into the air as he did. "[color=36454f]It's almost as if I didn't anticipate Jackson having powers that could heal Emiri from my hold. Or did I?[/color]" As he said that, Zodiark's palm flashed with his glyph. At the same time, in front of him, Shion would no doubt feel an immense pain shoot through her entire arm. And when she would go to her knees, Zodiark casually came to her eye level. "[color=36454f]You Humes truly are so foolish. Do you honestly think I do anything without a reason?[/color]" Zodiark gripped her arm tightly with the same arm that was infected with his poisonous power. "[color=36454f]While you ventured here, you unknowingly put [i]them[/i] at risk.[/color]" Zodiark said, hinted towards something; though he would not specify what exactly it was.