"[color=36454f]You're in no position to give me orders, Shion, the Blue Rose.[/color]" He kept the pressure on her, gripping her arm harder and further increasing his hold on her. The glyph would push into her skin, making it feel like a piece of metal that was placed in a forge and had met Hume flesh. As he did, Zodiark rose to his feet. By an extension, Shion would too; though not of her own free will. He lifted her up with just his arm now as it started to extend past what should be Humeanly possible. The bones themselves seemed to thin out and new cells forming to replace the once that were dying because of this action--all the while, she was about three feet off the ground and Zodiark simply glanced up at her. "[color=36454f]If I am the fool, then why am I the one who holds your life in the balance?[/color]"