[@Inkarnate] Haha, poor Nadia, she doesn't even know all that is coming to her. I see. Oh I have to tell you that there's one thing wrong in your post that Nadalena wouldn't mistake that easily. Seyrun is actually a princess as well. She's the first one in Nordland's succession line, just waiting to come of age before taking the crown from Nordland's actual regent (her uncle), after her parents passed away a few years ago. I'll elaborate that more IC, but her CS mention it already. Though, I guess it's not hard to forget as well, since Seyrun herself hasn't mentioned it even once after her first, or second IC post, and has quite a unique attitude. Anyway, I was just noting that Nadia wouldn't likely let that detail that the Riviathan are Nordland's current royal house escape given that their nations certain have a history that goes back for quite a long time.