Haley let Fenrir's hand go as Lucas spoke to her. Her smile persisted, she was happy that she was talking to people. She much preferred talking to people then people just looking at her. " Well. I guess you'll just have to use your quirk carefully." Haley then watched as the next two people lined up, it looked pretty clear who was going to win but who could know for sure. [i]Lets see what Meruem can do.[/i] With the sound of Xavier shouting the race had begun. It looked like it was going the way she expected it to, then suddenly Meruem was looking at her and she could feel a massive pull. She staggered forward and fell onto her knees. She then locked her foot in place with a piece of rock and looked up at Meruem. When the effect stopped she released herself and stood up. [i]Did Meruem just do that?[/i] She wondered not being sure if she could blame him for it. Then she heard him basically confess that it was him. [i]Thanks! I would've lost without you.[/i] These words rang out in her head. She had no idea what to say, be she was pretty sure she was angry. She'd just been used to help him win the race and she didn't even get to resist or anything. Meruem quirk was strong there was no doubt about that, his ego might have been stronger tho. She dusted herself off and looked away from Meruem. She had to beat this guy, be it now or later. She wanted to put this guy in his place.