Hearing her speak only proved to him that she was full of hot air. Nothing she said would be followed up with action. At this point, he might as well be talking to a mannequin; for he truly did hold all of the cards. "You bore me," he stated bluntly, finding the sudden strength to toss her to the ground. [b]Hard[/b]. He heard as her body made a loud thud into the solid crystal floor, some blood gathering around her upper body. He could only assume that she made such an impact with the floor that it caused her to bleed. The King of the Espers--or so he liked to believe he was--proceeded to walk away until he noticed something. Not just a something but the one thing that he hadn't noticed just until now: The Treaty-Blade. This whole time they were talking, it had been.. "[color=36454f]NO![/color]" Zodiark furiously stated, looking back at Shion. "[color=36454f]What have you done!?[/color]" He lifted her up from her face down form and turned her over, gripping her face tightly with his hand. "[color=36454f][b][i]Answer me![/i][/b][/color]"