How terribly rude. Shion didn't quite appreciate being thrown like that, though to her surprise, the rough, uneven surface resulted in a rather unsightly gash. It bled rather freely, though before she could give it attention, she was turned, Zodiark seemingly angry. Oh, had he finally noticed? Now it was her turn to smirk at him. "[color=deepskyblue]On my back, grabbing my face...admittedly, I usually have dinner before I get into this position,[/color]" She informed him, though he was unamused, instead demanding to know what she had done. "[color=deepskyblue]I thought you knew. Your current panic tells me that whatever it is, it's certainly a threat, isn't it? That's all the confirmation I need. I've grown tired of your presence--and now, you'll be leaving Michel.[/color]" She brought her hand to his chest, an all too bright light pulsing, though its magnitude was multiplied due to their surroundings. It wasn't much, just enough to get him off her and letting her get to her feet. She extended her hand to the blade, revealing several marks on her arm, and the Treaty Blade would glow brightly, fading away into light. She would extend her other hand, a hilt of light shining from it, and she would pull out a blade of light from said hand. Whipping it to the side, she knew she couldn't do too much damage without hurting Michel. As she readied her stance, she would charge, slicing through the air in front of her once. Its effect seemed to follow a moment later, a blast erupting all around them as a result.