[b][h2][center]Welcome Summoners[/center][/h2][/b] Are you serious about League of Legends? Do you wish to play in a more competative environment? Then the Okibata High's LoL Team club is for you. Practice starts right after school, See you in Room 2-B This is the story of a group of students, who not only attend class, but play in competitive tournaments, The RP will be in the style of a Sports anime, where we will take the game, if i dare say, a bit too seriously. Epic matches between us and rival school, boring days in class, fun times after school, all of this and more awaits you in Okibata High's LoL Esports Club. [img]http://euw.leagueoflegends.com/sites/default/files/styles/scale_xlarge/public/upload/patch-notes-banner-3.jpg?itok=dRD_FHKk[/img] League Knowledge isn't required. In fact it could be a useful tool for your character, maybe your character has played other games, and has mechanical skills going into it, maybe you have a friend who made you come tryout, nevertheless, after some practices you might slot into the starting line-up. [hider=Character sheet] Name: nickname/summoner name: This is the name you go by in game, and at tournaments. Picture: Role:(include two in case your first choice is taken) this would be Top,Jungle, Mid, ADC, and Supp. Personality: What your character is like outside of the game. Year in school: Include your age with this as well Experience in league: You and your characters. [/hider] please complete your CS here first and wait for approval before moving it over, and make sure to make your CS in the color, you wish to use for your characters Dialogue