Fenrir would calmly pat Augustus on the head while smiling at Haley and Lucas, [color=00a651]"You really need to work on your cannons my friend and it is nice to meet you as well miss."[/color] At the mention of stepping up his game Fenrir looks up at Lucas, [color=00a651]"How much will a shot from your finger take out of you?"[/color] He asks calmly when he hears the sound of an engine and his head turns to the race. Fenrir silently nods as the race begins, taking in the setting and the fun. However, when Fenrir most or less hears Haley fall onto her knees he turns on his heel and looks down at her [color=00a651]"Are you alright Miss?"[/color] There was a lot of concern in the big guy's voice, but also a hint of some primal anger. This would be about the time Meruem would slid into the scene and with not much effort Fenrir would pick him up by his collar lifting Meruem a good couple of inches of the ground, [color=00a651]"What were you thinking?!"[/color] His pupils have slowly dilated and his eyes shifting to a soft red.