[hider= Prometheus Vanguard] [center] [color=BLUEVIOLET][h3][i] “Life is such a slow moving thing which we all have to go through, so why not make it more exciting?”[/i][/h3][/color] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-YHYmT2yMm1Q/WY6FfqMVZiI/AAAAAAAAA-I/9MJvnbz7Lx49khkZ_qlGBViKaKXuXQg1gCL0BGAYYCw/h981/2017-08-11.png[/img] [/center] [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Name:[/b][/color] Prometheus Vanguard [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Age: [/b][/color] 16 [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Species: [/b][/color] Descended [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Blood%: [/b][/color] Nayu- 80% Dragon- 20% [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Gender: [/b][/color] Female [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Sex Preference: [/b][/color] Bi [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Height: [/b][/color] 5’ 7” [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Weight: [/b][/color] 150lb [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Physical appearance:[/b][/color] Despite Prometheus’s natural lime green eyes and a cold aura that surrounds her baby face features, which help make others fall for her sadistic charms. Her black hair goes just a few inches past her slender shoulders, adding the perfect cover for the pure black scales that cover the girl’s neckline. In the middle of the young woman’s chest is where a single scar starts and travels diagonally to her left shoulder. [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Apparel: [/b][/color] [hider= Outfit][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5986/13241eb5a32182385c8405f773b477e33da97e01_hq.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Personality: [/b][/color] Prometheus tries to keep her quirks hidden from others- though due to their special connection her twin brother catches on to her emotions rather quickly. The first thing you need to look for is any odd movements from her tail. A quick flicker towards either direction, a notable thumping sound against the ground, or even the limb slowly curling around her body. Another quirk (that’s a bit more noticeable) is the girl’s eyes. The young woman’s eyes tend to shiver a dark green when she feels like something is wrong. Granted that this could also show certain emotions such as being upset or angry, depending on how dark the shade is.[list] [*] The young woman rather enjoys having her brother and sister around her, though at times this has proven to be difficult. Between the insanity clawing inside her own mind and their ‘protectors’ constant overprotective nature she’s honestly surprised they’ve made it away from their past. When the three are apart the girl’s madness slowly breaks it’s mental seal, making her personality shift from normal teenager to psychotic killer. [*] Every single fight the three have tends to break a little chunk of that fragile mental barrier. [*] Despite the fact the woman loves spilling blood she does tend to enjoy the simplest of thing. Whether it’s being in a field of flowers, taking a stroll inside the woods, or just climbing a tree. Yes, this might seem to be very childish to most people but then again no one quite understands what fresh hell the triplets were forced into the day their home village was destroyed. If asked about that day Prometheus tends to resort to violence. [*] No matter how hard the young woman tries to control that lust for spilling blood, the dangerous side always seems to destroy it’s cage. When this happens it's best to run unless you have one of her siblings around. [*] Prometheus has a bad habit of mentally making couples in her head. No one is quite sure why though her brother thinks it’s because it helps her calm down. As long as the girl doesn't allow her mental side to go too wild her triplet siblings see no harm in it. [*] The teenager tends to be a bit overwhelming when it comes to pushing people's boundaries. Every time the targeted couple sorta drifts apart the young woman tends to try every trick or stunt within her book to try to keep them together. Yes, even the whole tying them down trick. [/list] [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Faction: [/b][/color] Dolofon (hopeful) [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Exp: [/b][/color] Prometheus, Rhagar, and Minko were taught by their parents until their deaths. Afterwards they were self taught. Prometheus and Minko were taught how to turn and twist the shadows around their bodies by simple movement. A simple flicker of a wrist could make a simple object granted the image would be rather tiny. They mother also taught them to use their blindness to their their advantage such as their father’s wings flapping in the wind, their oldest sibling’s voice calling out in a whisper, to even the simplest drop of water. Yes, in most cases these are what any blind person is able to do but their mother did this as more of mental training. This would allow them to estimate how long they had until the shadow of the specific object would last. Their father would then help them imagine how big the shape was by description. The couple was going to teach their children much more until their untimely deaths. As for the self taught part the young woman has taught herself how to form these shadows into actual objects. This would allow her to add sound into her arsenal of ticks. With the help of Rhagar, the micro string thin thread allows the spell knives to make a very quiet chime like sound while adding small vibration into the air. Allowing the woman to echolocate her ‘prey’. For the Shadow Puppet spell the girl has practiced this one most of the time. Granted mostly it’s been mainly used to silence his loud snoring which always seem to keep both girls up at night. Now the woman justs uses it to make the guy plug his nose with random object. [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Spells: [/b][/color] Shadow Shards- This spell can only copy x amount of weapons. This mainly depends on the size and weight of the object.( For example: At the most throwing knives Prometheus can create is about 10 or 12 depending on how much they weight. Once the spell is completed She will have gained the perfect replicas. For a much larger weapon such as an ax the young could possibly make one. ) Since the young woman is still learning about her blood and is self teaching herself, the max amount she can make is about 3 or 4, on of those being the original. The copies will act like actual weapons but after about two hits, if not broken from the first throw, will break apart and turn into a black dust like substance. This will also return to it’s original form after battle. Since Prometheus can’t see she mainly uses this spell for echolocation. Shadow Puppet- Shadow strings wrap around the target’s limbs, attaching themselves to the nervous system, forcing them to do what the user wants. This is a rather powerful spell though the maximum amount of time is 1 hour when mastered fully. This also requires full concentration from the caster making them wde open for any physical or spell damage will will automatically force the user to lose contraction. Though since the young woman is still in training stages her shadow puppet spell only last about 1 minute max. The strings can only from different object’s shadows. For example one shadow sting will come from something like. Another would come from a tree to connect to a different limb and so on. The max amount as an adult is 20 feet depending on the user’s handle on this spell. The other factors while tie into this spell would also be on the power of the others soul and your power, the time of the day, and distance. At the moment Prometheus can only go about two feet depending on the time from of the day. [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Abilities/Powers: [/b][/color] [list] [*] Invisibility [*] Shadow manipulation [*] Sound manipulation [*] Hemotoxic venom fangs [*] Poison resistance [*] Blood consumption [*] Night vision [*] Dragon tail and wings [*] [color=696969]She is blind unless able to pass the trial of the King in-game.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Bright lights will damage her eyes.[/color] [*] [color=696969]She must feed on blood every 2 days.[/color] [*] [color=696969]Her hearing is more susceptible to being damaged by loud noises.[/color] [/list] [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]Weapons: [/b][/color] Throwing Knives [color=BLUEVIOLET][b]History: [/b][/color] Fires burning through the familiar houses which the triplets used to play in, streets covered in a crimson tint, while people were being dragged out of their homes for either slaughter or something else. These are just a few of the things the descendant had seen as her small body pushed past it’s limit. She was only forced to hide when figures passed by since the other ones were busy enjoying their activities. Even though the girl was close to these people, which her parents proudly took in and protected, was the single cause for her insanity. The girl’s search lead her towards the town center were a crowd gathered, as if this was a normal occurrence. A few cheers here and there made the younger sibling shiver in fear. Even though she felt a sickening feeling in the pit of stomach the young woman carried forward, only to regret it almost instantly. The first thing that had caught the descendant’s eyes was her parents tied up forms. A two figures stood up with them though one seemed to be doing a speech. A few more words to the crowd in, as if to count down the couple’s doom. A final word and the hidden axe blade swooped down. As if on instinct the young girl rushed towards the stage as if in a sad attempt to save the two which had given her life. Only when the familiar crimson coloring few into the air did the child felt pain. Even with her eyesight fading rather quickly she still tried to move tolds the couple. And then darkness consumed her entire world. When Prometheus awakened the remainder of her family was on the run. At some point during their haste the triplets ended up losing each other. In the hopes to find each other they all knew that going to the capital Vrondi. [/hider]