“Ah.” Izzy nodded upward at how Holden had come to his conclusion of her and Trevor. [i]Makes sense.[/i] She sat on the arm of the couch, careful to keep herself angled so Holden remained out of her view. Her brows furrowed at his next question. She had not thought about that, about the possibility that [i]he[/i] may have a crush on [i]her.[/i] [i]Is something like that even possible?[/i] she wondered, trying to think of any occasions when he may have shown any signs of such an affection. After a moment, she shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. At least, not that I’ve noticed. We… went through some crazy stuff together this summer. He’s just trying to be nice, I think. Or maybe he feels obligated or something.” She shrugged.