[@Crimmy] [color=7ea7d8][u][b]Conall Linumbienne[/b][/u] "Ah, should be down the hall of thattaway, if I'm reading things right. Reckon we can just follow the crowd though. I know I'm just gunna head on with the rest of the guys."[/color] Out in the field, eh? Ozpin's sudden appearance, which he'd counted as proof of his words being right on the money with a triumphant snicker during the opening line, had thrown their beginning conversation completely to the wayside— so only now did he devote any thought to what the girl had said prior, before he could say anything at all. Talk about being proactive— He could've sworn that they were here for doing that in due time, no? Well, if such was the case, then he could only believe that the hands on field experience would render tomorrow's trials a cakewalk. [color=7ea7d8]"Lucky for that,"[/color] he said aloud. [color=7ea7d8]"Makes me going train and twiddle my thumbs back home look bad."[/color]