With the temperature of the island, Raiya was glad that she had made modifications to her outfit. While her core temperature was normally cold and she required a warmer environment to operate normally, she still could get uncomfortable in hot environments, especially with that large leather coat. Raiya could tell she would be pretty uncomfortable in this humid island jungle. Raiya walked closely behind and listened as Nemo and Travis spoke about the Academia and Travis's role as a scholar. Raiya had to admit that while Travis certainly was weaker than the two, she could not deny he could hold his own, and that there were more than a few situations they could not have got around without Travis's help. And, Raiya figured, if things were to continue to keep going as they have, they would certainly need Travis in the future as well. Raiya watched as the tree fell to cover the ravine; as Nemo asked Travis if he'd like to borrow any of his guns, Raiya began to cross the ravine ahead of Travis and Nemo.