[@Crimmy] [@vancexentan] [b][i]A Few Blocks Away From the Park?[/i][/b] The strange being on the floor was cold... surprisingly so. While a slight shock for Ishido Yoichi, this was not where his concern lied. No - his concern lied regarding the figure on the ground. They didn't react to Ishido's touch... as if they were in a deep sleep. [i]'... This man's asleep... or he's broken.'[/i] Ishido thought, removing his hand from the being on the ground. [i]'Wait... is it a man or a woman? Perhaps I'll check...'[/i] Ishido leant down slowly... but clumsily, he managed to slip once more, causing him to fall onto his knees. [i]'No... that can wait for later. I'll have to find something to wake up this man... or woman. Mrs. Yoichi occasionally slaps me across the face to wake me up... maybe that'll work? Or... or a bucket of water. That always wakes me up... I'll see what I can find. If I can't find anything, then... I'll slap the person awake.'[/i] Ishido knew the figure didn't even react in the slightest to his touch, or the noise of him falling onto the floor knee-first... but he still felt as if the figure was in a very, very deep sleep... or they were broken. Ishido leaned towards the former... and planned to wake up the figure. He had questions, after all. With that, Ishido slowly pulled himself to his feet and scanned the room for anything else of note.