My apologies for such a late response! Work has been kicking me down and spraying it's shit over me, quite literally, so yah! I'm glad to see all the interest though! I'll get to make the actual thread real soon! [@Apollosarcher] Alrighty! Yeah, the older games are a pair of gems, especially Seisen no Keifu! [@GarlandDaHero] H'okies! [@Zaphias] Gonna grind them waifus to 20/20 ;) [@POOHEAD189] Alrighty, little knowledge is needed anyways! [@Matador] Ayra is best Fire Emblem waifu. And I did, yes! I really loved the concept of it when I touched into it many years ago. [@Kylia Quilor] Goodiegoodie! [@Veradana] 4 is best Faiah Emburemu.