[quote=@BCTheEntity] In fairness, that's still better than "Sure, Heaven's nice, so long as you're an angel or a harpy, and don't even think about doing anything that doesn't fit into our excessively rigid culture's norms," [/quote] What makes you all think that Harpies have any form of special importance to the Heavens? Sincerely, as far as troops go, they are middle to low class when compared to the actual stuff that Heaven has to offer. The only thing they seem to have in excess is self importance and ego that doesn't match the powers they can dish out. Also, the social norms you mention are mostly an assumption on the players' side that never ever gets addressed IC because people quite never do anything on Celestia. [quote=@BCTheEntity] "Come join us in Hell! We have torture and slavery, which you'll probably be on the receiving end of!" [/quote] IC shows the fact that Hell is historically the most active faction. Either people are true masochists here or there's something else of interest there. [quote=@BCTheEntity] Ah. I wasn't sure, on account of the Datascape sounds very... non-accessible to beings whose minds are still tied to their fleshy brains. [/quote] Why would you think that when I even mentioned Tron as an inspiration?